Aztoragarri - Final release Devlog 1

Bon dia, everyone.

Although the writing of this post is done almost two weeks after the advancements regarded in it, I believe it is of relevant importance to document the progress of Aztoragarri towards its final release. 


-New weapon added; the handgun. It is a ranged weapon that shoots bullets with a decently high damage, and has a range of 30 in-game meters. The weapon itself will be found in the second chapter of the game, and will be, just like the previous weapons, crucial to progress the game and resolve certain puzzles. It will hold 8 bullets per magazine, and the player may hold up to 16 of them in the inventory (which could be increased with capacity upgrades).

-The AI has been perfected, making it more aggressive and sensible. One small "bug" that the demo has is that sometimes enemies would stand still, waiting for the player to approach. The result came out worse than the concept, which let me to make the AI reasonably more active and aggressive, by only waiting for one second before striking again.

-A new enemy variant has been added. It functions exactly like the base demon enemy, but wears a wool armor, which makes them immune to sledgehammer hits and kicks, forcing the player to use cutting weapons or ranged weapons to kill them. This has been done mostly as a way to spice up gameplay and prevent the sickle from becoming obsolete too early on in the game.


-Added volumetric fog with shadow settings on "high" or greater shadow qualities. The result has turned out to be quite atmospheric and visually dramatic, which I believe fits perfectly with the game.

-A new animation is overplayed when holding melee weapons that lifts the main character's right arm. It has been done as a visual reminder on which weapon the player is holding, as it was almost impossible to tell unless the player attacked before. The result is excellent on my view, and improves the quality of life of Aztoragarri.


The second chapter of the game, "Errebelazioak" has started development. It takes place in the town of Jaca, Kingdom of Aragon, and will feature a more open and natural environment compared to the one of the Basque Company of Bilbao, from the first chapter. The weather will be clear, and the section will take place at nighttime.

As for now, the first section of the main level has been finished, with all the base architecture and puzzles done. These parts include "Clock" Tower, the city hall, the hotel and the city's cathedral.

Not much more can be explained, so I will leave with some images for you to see.

If you wish for a slightly more in-depth explanation with visual reference, you may watch the YouTube version of the devlog here:

Many thanks, and I hope you have a beautiful and eventful life, take care.

Bona nit!

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